So for the Blog today I was asked to find out about a famous Scot who died before 1950, so for this I chose Robert Burns also known as Rabbie Burns Scotland’s Favourite son.
He was born 25 January 1759 and died 21 July 1796.
I wanted to find out what happened during his time and find out more about him so I gathered some questions for him and got some answers for the truth.
Q~ Hey Robert, so the first question has to be what made you famous?
A~ well I’m famous for writing of pomes and songs which I first started writing when I was very young.
Q~ What would you say are your most famous poems?
A~ I have written so many poems and songs over my time it’s hard to say, but if I had to they would be
• A Red Red rose
• Auld Lang Syne
• To a mouse
Q~ You now have a day to remember you Robert, What is done on this day?
A~ To start there is the Selkirk Grace a prayer attributed to myself. It goes like this, some hae meat and cana eat, and some wad eat that want eat, but we hae meat and we can eat, sae the Lord be thank it.
Then comes the cutting of the haggis where my poems are read, Address to a haggis before the cutting of the haggis. Once people have eaten they have a reading called the immortal memory an overview of my life and then conclude with the singing of Auld Lang Syne.
Q~ Who did you have help from to be able to read and write so well?
A~ My dad taught us in the early years reading, writing, ariithmetic, geography, and history, but also John Murdoch who opened an adventure school in Alloway in 1763 and thought Latin French and mathematics to me and my brother Murdoch.
Q~ Who were your influences?
A~ I was a big fan of Robert Fergusson. He was one of Edinburgh’s most gifted poets but least recognised.
Q~ why do you think your work is so popular?
A~ I think it could be because it is the story of an ordinary Scotsman and his background, encounters, observations and thoughts. But also the structure of the poetry is unusual in its self if you have a look at the phraseology and the rhythm it is interesting.
Q~ How proud of you of all the work you have done in your life?
A~ Well to have my work still being read today and to also have Burns organizations around the world such as Atlanta makes me feel so proud and I would just love to say thanks to everyone and carry on reading
Well thanks for that Robert I appreciate you having this chat with me its been very intresting.Ax
Mentioned in Dispatches
Very informative I didnt know half the things about robbie burns than what you blogged. Thanks for the info.
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